Try Avantera with confidence!
We know that finding the right supplements to support your long-term goals can take time. We believe in our product so much that we offer a no-hassle, 100% money back guarantee for 30 days. In other words, try our products and if you don't like them for any reason, return them no questions asked.
If you would like to initiate a return, please send a message to and a member of our support staff will help you!
*Please note renewal orders or not eligible for our return policy
** Any refund requests submitted after 30 days from the initial purchase date will NOT be eligible for return
*** Full refund means the total amount you paid + shipping & handling + sales tax. Customer is responsible for return shipping.
**** Repeated refund requests from the same customer are not allowed
***** This refund policy only applies to orders placed on and is subject to change without notice